Application of high-temperature resistant peristaltic pump pipe

Add time:2023-08-25   Number of views:13  

High temperature resistant peristaltic pump pipes generally refer to silicone hoses, which are a good choice for transporting high-temperature liquids.

Ordinary silicone hose with high temperature resistance:

The general temperature resistance range of ordinary silicone tubing is -40~200 ° C, while the special high-temperature resistance range can reach -60~300 ° C; The aging resistance time is relatively long, and the service life will vary with the usage environment. Generally, it can be used for more than 10 years at room temperature.

Medical silicone tubes are generally capable of withstanding temperatures ranging from -60 to 300 ° C and are mainly used in industries such as supporting appliances, electronics, furniture equipment, toys, hardware, medical equipment, sports equipment, sound systems, lighting, machinery, automobiles, bottle and can sealing, and building curtain wall sealing.

Precautions for using peristaltic pump hoses:

1. Store the peristaltic pump hose in a dry and cool place, avoiding direct sunlight.

2. During the cleaning process, there may be air in the peristaltic pump hose, which prevents the cleaning solution from entering the hose. The peristaltic pump can be used to transport the cleaning solution for cleaning.

3. During the use of OEM peristaltic pumps, any damaged parts of the pump pipe should be replaced promptly.

4. The cleaning methods for hoses made of special materials are different. If you are unsure whether the cleaning method is correct, please consult after-sales service.

LINK: Peristaltic pump
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