
  • Flow range:0.0002-2280mL/min
  • Number of channels:1
  • Brief:
    Manual BCD dial switch
    0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20mA, 0-10kHz, RS485 external control optional
Consultation hotline:0086-312-3125033

User adjustable speed OEM peristaltic pump

Flow range


Machine parameters

Speed range≤600rpm
External control speed control resolution1rpm
Direction controlExternal input empty contact, contact open, peristaltic pump operates clockwise, contact closed, peristaltic pump operates counterclockwise.
Start stop controlExternal input empty contact, contact opens, peristaltic pump runs, contact closes, peristaltic pump stops.
BCD dial switch speed controlThe speed corresponding to position 0 of the 31st BCD dial switch is controlled by an external signal. At low speed, the corresponding speed (rpm) for gears 1-F is 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, and 300. When in high gear, the corresponding speed for gears 1-F
External signal speed control (optional)4-20mA linear corresponds to 1-600rpm, 0-5V linear corresponds to 0-600rpm, 0-10V linear corresponds to 0-600rpm, and 0-10kHz linear corresponds to 0-600rpm.
Communication address setting5位DIP拨码开关,通信地址设定范围为1-30,31为广播地址。
Communication Baud Rate Setting1-bit DIP dial switch, available at 1200bps or 9600bps.
Overall dimensions (L×W×H)185*125*136(mm)
Relative humidity of working environment<80%
Applicable power supplyDC24V/80W

Product Selection Table

Adapted pump headAdaptor hose specificationsReference flow rate
YZ1515X13# 14# 19# 16# 25# 17# 18#2280mL/min
YZ2515X15# 24#1740mL/min


LINK: Peristaltic pump
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